

-d /path/to/dir/

Choose directory to scan. For example:

dfg -d /mnt/usb/pictures/

For documentation consistency, I always put the path flag at the end of the command, but this is not necessary.



Skip any messages after executing application. Useful for scripting. Will skip confirmation message to create new database file

dfg -s -d /mnt/usb/pictures/

Skip info messages


Only shows errors such as failed hashes and missing files. Does not show any info prompts during the scan.

Note: will also not show a line for new files.



Add the l flag to output to a log file. Your terminal will no longer show verbose. More on the log file.


Specify the location of the log file. Log entries append to previous log lines (log files do not overwrite).


dfg -l -log /var/log/pictures.log -d /mnt/usb/pictures/

Block Size

The default block size used to hash files is 64 MB. You can specify a custom block size, in MB.

-b 64

Changing the block size does not affect existing hashes already saved in the database

Skip missing file scan


Skips the missing file scan. You will not be notified about missing / deleted files which exist in the database.

Database file location


You can specify your own db location with name of the database file. To do this, use the -db flag, example:

dfg -db /path/to/db.sql -d /path/to/files/

Ensure you specify the database name, not just the directory path.

More on database.



Outputs version of the application