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Getting Started

Quick Start


It's easy to get started. Frist, download and run or install the pre-built binary.

Test installation has worked. Run:


This will start the wizard. If you have not installed into your bin directory, CD to directory and run:


You will be prompted to choose operating mode, which are as follows:

  1. Create a new archive from a directory or file
  2. Verify an existing archive (point to .m file)
  3. Restore an archive
  4. About this app
  5. Exit

Either use the wizard (called by ark), or via single command as below.

Create first archive


Simply follow the on-screen prompts:

  1. Run the app and select option 1.
  2. Provide a source directory or file
  3. Provide destination directory (leave blank to use the working directory)
  4. Give the archive a name.

Command line

To create an archive, simply run:

ark -s /path/to/source/ -d /output/dir/ -n archive_name

And to restore (extract) the archive:

ark -x /output/dir/archive_name.m -d /path/to/source
